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Showing posts from September, 2024

“We Know God / Truth Only because He Has revealed himself” Dr. Mark Chan

  “We Know God / Truth Only because He Has revealed himself” Dr. Mark Chan (Sept 21, 2024)  Reflection  I just would like to share this statement shared by Dr Mark Chan at the Bible Study on 21 September 2024, Saturday and I quote him: “We Know God / Truth Only because He Has revealed himself”  As I was pondering on this statement, it has caught me once again how our understanding of God originates from His plan and his decision to make himself known to us.   So how does God reveal himself?   God’s revelation or self-manifestation basically comes in two forms and these are the general revelation and the special revelation.   The first one, general revelation refers to the knowledge of God made available to all people through the creation, nature, history, moral order in the society. It’s made available to all humankind and it is accessible to all people at all times but it is limited in providing a complete understanding of God’s character or will . The second one, special revelation