I just would like to share this statement shared by Dr Mark Chan at the Bible Study on 21 September 2024, Saturday and I quote him: “We Know God / Truth Only because He Has revealed himself”
As I was pondering on this statement, it has caught me once again how our understanding of God originates from His plan and his decision to make himself known to us.
So how does God reveal himself?
God’s revelation or self-manifestation basically comes in two forms and these are the general revelation and the special revelation.
The first one, general revelation refers to the knowledge of God made available to all people through the creation, nature, history, moral order in the society. It’s made available to all humankind and it is accessible to all people at all times but it is limited in providing a complete understanding of God’s character or will .
The second one, special revelation. It is God's specific communication of who he, his character, his nature, his will, and that is through the written Word or Scripture and through his Son Jesus Christ. Adding the quote of Dr Mark Chan, “if we want to know Jesus Christ, we must study his Word...If we love Jesus Christ, we also must love studying the Bible.” Therefore, the written word and Jesus are both God’s ultimate self-manifestation of himself.
So what are the three implications of understanding this, and I just want to share three things:
1. First, humility in knowing him. Since it is only through God’s own initiative of making himself known, whether through his general revelation or special revelation, we therefore cannot boast about knowledge about him. God’s self-manifestation and disclosure does not depend on intellectual capacity and our achievements.
2. Second, gratitude in knowing him. God’s general and special revelation should lead us to worship him. Even the heavenly beings, stars and angels declare God’s majesty and wonders through his creation and through his Son Jesus Christ, and so as we humans should also praise and thank him for revealing himself to us.
3. Lastly, responsibility in knowing him. The General revelation is made accessible to all but, the special revelation is received in different ways. Some cannot access reading the Bible. Some don’t have churches, and therefore our responsibility is to make Christ known widely.
In conclusion, special revelation is given more selectively and that is through the grace of God. Not everyone has had direct access to these revelations. This is why spreading the message of Christ and making Scripture accessible are crucial components of Christian mission.
Jeremiah 9:23-24
23 This is what the Lord says:
“Don’t let the wise boast in their wisdom,
or the powerful boast in their power,
or the rich boast in their riches.
24 But those who wish to boast
should boast in this alone:
that they truly know me and understand that I am the Lord
who demonstrates unfailing love
and who brings justice and righteousness to the earth,
and that I delight in these things.
I, the Lord, have spoken!
Closing Prayer
Heavenly Father, we thank You for revealing Yourself to us through Your creation and Your Word. We acknowledge that we know You only because You have graciously made Yourself known, through nature, through the Scriptures, and ultimately through Your Son, Jesus Christ. May this knowledge humble us, remind us of our dependence on You, and fill our hearts with gratitude and reverence. In Your Son’s most precious name, Amen.
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