When praying with children, I avoid saying, "We should aim to be like Jesus," in a way that might overwhelm them. To them, Jesus is God, and the idea of being like God - saving the whole world from sin - feels unattainable. Instead, they see Jesus as their special friend, which is a relationship they can embrace and understand. I explained that "being like Jesus" doesn't mean they have to do what only God can do, like saving the world. Instead, it means reflecting His holiness in simple ways. For children, holiness can mean being kind, loving, and obedient. However, I noticed that the idea of holiness sometimes feels like a burden because they wonder if they are already "good enough." To address this, I emphasized that Jesus loves them as they are and helps them grow to be more like Him, step by step. It's not about being perfect or doing everything right all the time. It's about letting Jesus' love fill their hearts and letting that love ...
Photo by Harold Moses God’s Providence Does It Really Matter If We Pray? Good evening everyone. I came across this statement written by Daniel T. Niles, a renowned Sri Lankan Methodist evangelist and theologian in 20th Century and he wrote: We must make sure that we do not decide that we shall succeed. If we decide to succeed then we may succeed without succeeding in God's way. But if we go on from day to day seeking to do his will, then we shall be prepared to receive success from him if he wills it ; and if he does not, then humbly to say - It is God's decision David shall not build the temple, but he will raise up Solomon. - Daniel T. Niles In just one short paragraph, this can be framed into several doctrines for discussion such as the Sovereignty of God, human will and divine will, prayer and divine providence. But I only want to touch two things: God’s Providence and Prayers. First, I would like to define the doctrine of Providence....