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Providence - Does It Really Matter If We Pray?


Photo by Harold Moses

God’s Providence

Does It Really Matter If We Pray?

Good evening everyone. 

I came across this statement written by Daniel T. Niles, a renowned Sri Lankan Methodist evangelist and theologian in 20th Century and he wrote: 

We must make sure that we do not decide that we shall succeed. If we decide to succeed then we may succeed without succeeding in God's way. But if we go on from day to day seeking to do his will, then we shall be prepared to receive success from him if he wills it; and if he does not, then humbly to say - It is God's decision David shall not build the temple, but he will raise up Solomon. - Daniel T. Niles 

In just one short paragraph, this can be framed into several doctrines for discussion such as the Sovereignty of God, human will and divine will, prayer and divine providence.

But I only want to touch two things: God’s Providence and Prayers.

First, I would like to define the doctrine of Providence. 

Providence is God’s ongoing work in sustaining and guiding his creation, ensuring that all things work together according to His purposes. In short, it only means that God has already established his plans and he will do what he is going to do.

When considering the nature of providence, a question arise of what really prayer accomplishes. If prayer has any effect on what happens, then it seems that God’s plan can be changed. And vice versa, if God’s plan is already established, the does it really matter whether we pray?  

There are two Biblical facts that we need to hold on to:
1. First, God’s Plan is definite and fixed.

2. Second, We are commanded to pray. 

1. First, God’s Plan is definite and fixed. It is not subject for revision. 

His plan is not something that changes based on human actions. The Scripture from Psalm 33:11 assures us that "the plans of the Lord stand firm forever," and that His purposes are steadfast and established from eternity. 

God, being omniscient and sovereign, knows what will happen in the end from the beginning, and His purposes cannot be thwarted. This includes everything from the rise and fall of nations to nations, the seasons and the climate, up to the very intimate details of our lives, God has already orchestrated everything according to his plan. 

So, if God’s plan is fixed and already determined, it can make us wonder: why pray? Does it matter whether we pray?

[Psalm 33:11
"But the plans of the Lord stand firm forever, the purposes of his heart through all generations." ]

2. Second, why we pray is because - We are commanded to pray. 

James 5:16 tells us that "the prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective." This is a clear directive way to tell that prayer has a value. 

But how does God’s providence and prayer relate to one another? 

Based on Daniel T. Niles’ statement, along with additional supportive Scripture.  I will share with you 2 things:

1. First, Prayer aligns us with God’s fixed plan
2. Second, Prayer is God’s means to accomplish His purposes.

1. First Prayer Aligns Us with God’s Fixed Plan 

Daniel T. Niles emphasised that instead of deciding our own path to success, we must seek God’s will each day. When we pray, it prepares our hearts to receive what God has planned for us, whether or not it matches our own desires. King David was eager to build the Jerusalem temple, but he accepted God’s decision for Solomon to carry out that work. Prayer, therefore, helps us align our thoughts and will with God’s purposes and humbly accept His decisions.

Our Lord Jesus Himself prayed and taught us how to pray in the Lord’s Prayer, urging us to say, “Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven”(Matthew 6:10). 

2. Second, Prayer is God’s means to accomplish His purposes. 

Daniel T. Niles reminds us that although God's plans are set, He has chosen to work through the prayers of His people. Let us note that our prayers don’t change God’s mind but our prayer is a way of cooperating with His purposes. In the case of King David and King Solomon, even though God planned for Solomon to build the temple, David’s life of prayer played a significant role in preparing for that outcome. Prayer, therefore, allows us to be more actively engage in God’s work, even when the direction has already been determined.

1 John 5:14 says that our prayers have significance when they are aligned with God's will, which is part of how He brings His purposes to pass. He listens to us at the same time he gradually speaks his will unto us when we approach him into prayer. 

[1 John 5:14“This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.”] 

In summary, God’s fixed plan and our command to pray are interconnected. Prayer doesn’t change God's will but is the method He uses to bring His purposes into reality, making our prayers a vital part of His divine plan.

Let us pray
Father God, we acknowledge Your sovereignty and your goodness. We pray that Your kingdom would come here on this earth and that Your will be done, not just in the world but in our hearts as well. Help us to trust You more deeply, to surrender our desires to Your perfect plan, and to live out Your will each day of our life. In Jesus’ we pray Amen. 


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